I have been practicing Shiatsu since 1992. Graduated from the School of Shiatsu and Chinese Healing, International Tao Shiatsu and Seiki Shiatsu.
Develops the Qi & Body method.
The method is taught as therapist training in the Ancient Chinese Medicine Study Program and the International School of Acupuncture in Helsinki, Finland.
Caring for pregnant women since 1995.
One of the first doulas and birth attendants in Israel, establishing the training program for birth room attendants at Meir Hospital in 1997. She teaches training courses for midwives and professional women.
In 1996, I started accompanying pregnant women at the clinic, and mainly in a project that was innovative and bold at the time - accompanying births at the Meir Hospital, by shiatsu therapists, Chinese medicine and reflexology. Accompanying births and pregnant women was very basic in these years, and my knowledge deepened as I accompanied more pregnancies and births.
Why are Chi & Bodi pregnant?
Pregnancy certification is a fascinating specialization and through it you can deepen the basics of traditional Japanese shiatsu.
The specialization course of 'Someone to run with' is a deep dive into myself, into Shiatsu therapy with its subtleties and precision, into the energetic field and its charms, into a completely new observation point on the reality in which we live.
In 'Mishshi' there is almost no bibliography, the notebooks are a private initiative of the participants and the main 'material' is us therapists: the mind, the body, the heart, the intention.
The study and treatment of the method provide an answer to all levels: physical, energetic, emotional, mental, conscious